1 The hair needs temperature and humidity

For this reason, during the summer period, housing in air-conditioned and dehumidified rooms is necessary where the temperature and humidity are constant.

2 Never put the perfume on the fur.

Leather, if exposed to even moderate sources of heat, tends to dry out. For this reason it is necessary to keep the case in air-conditioned and dehumidified rooms where the temperature and humidity are constant.

3 Do not use mothballs against moths.

The smell is absorbed by the leather, but the paracloro, expressly adopted for this reason as it kills the moths, does not damage the leather and the hair does not absorb the smell.

4 Every year the fur must be cleaned.

Like any other winter garment that is placed in the closet even the fur needs a deep cleaning, also for reasons of hygiene.

5 In addition to cleaning.

Also the treatment of the softening agent is also performed annually to keep the leather soft even if unused.

6 Use a wide hanger and

To avoid deformation and take care to leave some space between the fur and other clothes so as not to crush it.

7 Never leave near heat sources.

Leather, if exposed to even moderate sources of heat, tends to dry out. For this reason it is necessary to keep the case in air-conditioned and dehumidified rooms where the temperature and humidity are constant.